donderdag 18 maart 2010

WWE banning chairshots to the head

In response of concussions in sports, WWE has started a new program called ImPACT Concussion Management Program.
These ImPACT tests measure the effects of concussions and are evaluates by Dr. Mark Lovell a neuropsychologist who's the director of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Sports Medicine Concussion Program.

All talent will have to take these tests yearly and it also becomes a part of the pre-signing procedure. Should any talent show symptomps of a consussion they won't be allowed to compete until they passed a ImPACT test.

In adition to this WWE banned the usage of steel chairs to hit someone over the head. They really seem to take it seriously because breaking this rule will resolve in a fine or even a suspension.

When I first heard about this I thought it was just a bad rumour. But when I found out it even was on I was surprised. But it was a positive surprise.
I know a lot of people are gonna disagree with me because steel chairs are a part of wrestling. But look at it this way, the long term damage that is done by repeated hard blows to someone's head is enormous. Just think of boxers. And you all can understand that someone hitting you in the head with a steel chair does more damage then beeing hit with a fist wearing a glove.

WWE has always been bashed for not caring about the wellbeeing of their performers. And personally I think it's good that they take their responsibility now.
Nevertheless I do hope they dont take this too far. A minor fine would be acceptable just like they do for the usage of marijuana.
But suspending people for this is absurt. And will only the one swinging the chair get the punishment? Or the one who's hit with it aswell? Cause moves like that are always planned before the match.
And what will they to for example if someone gets his head driven into a steel chair? The effect is basicaly the same.

The last thing I wanna say is that I seriously doubt that we won't see guys competing with a concussion again. Do you really think that if for example Cena suffers a concussion this Monday on RAW the Wrestlemania match is off?

Or is this a weird way of taking a shot at TNA? I can see the similarity of watching Impact and getting hit with a steel chair nowadays.

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